
Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Philosophi Of Blangkon

Blangkon is a headgear that is used by men as part of a Javanese traditional clothes. Practical form of the blangkon is a tie which is the headgear made of batik. There are no historical records that could explain the origin of Javanese men wear a headband or headgear.
In the old days, blangkon only created by skilled artists wtih a standard pakem (rules). More and meet the rules defined, the higher value is. At first, men who live in Jogjakarta maintain their long hair and tied it up then called a topknot (such as Patih Gajah Mada) and then they wrapped and tied up and then become blangkon.

Cultural philosophy of Blangkon of the Javanese society is good at keeping secret, does not like to spread a disgrace to others or theirself and the spoken word and act is full of metaphor and subtle language. This is closely related to the Javanese society which is pretty good taking care of other people's feelings. Javanese society prefers to save what is in his heart to others even if it hurts.
As the younger generation, we still have to preserve the culture of our ancestors and implementing them in certain events and wont replace the Javanese culture with Western culture. And blangkon is one of characteristic of Javanese culture that we have to preserve and respect.

2 komentar:

  1. Melestarikan blangkon ok Gan, karna aku juga orang jawa. Salam kenal n sukses Gan, kalau sempat kunjungi balik ke website-ku di: OBYEKTIF.COM aku tunggu ya, trims.

    Salam kompak:
    Obyektif Cyber Magazine
